Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Thanksgiving Break

As you can see, my mom took a little break from blogging over the Thanksgiving holiday. I kept doing cute things, she kept snapping pictures but she's left all of you, my lovely readers, in the dark. For shame!

Luckily this means that we have plenty to share in the next couple of weeks :) For now I'll leave you with some shots of me in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard -- happy and smiling with my favorite tennis ball. Have a great day!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

One year ago today I was lucky enough to be the ring bearer in Mom and Dad's wedding. It was an incredibly rainy day and for a minute there we weren't sure if the wedding would happen outside like Mom had hoped. Luckily the sky cleared about an hour before the ceremony, they threw out the chairs really quick, and we made it happen!

My beautiful homemade collar was a great accessory

My big debut -- walking down the aisle!

Taking time to stop and smell the roses, of course

Our first picture as The Piedrahitas
 A year later they're still just as lovey, mushy and goofy but I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

 Just a note: All pictures were by D. Roa Photography. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, you NEED to. She's amazing, obviously.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Playtime with Papa

 I've told you before how proud I am of my Dad and his work in the Navy. Well one thing I love the most about it are his random days off -- with me! Mom works a silly Monday-Friday 8-5 job and so I hardly see her during the week. I LOVE when Dad gets an extra day or two to spend running around in the bushes and just being boys. Today is one of those days and I'm having a blast!

Sorry Mom, boys rule and girls drool!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Training: The Beginning

Mom and I are training for a big race together in January. Ok, it's not a big race for her since she's done quite a few 5K's, 10K's and even a half-marathon but it's a big race for me!

See, as much as I love to run off-leash at the park, the beach, or in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard, I am not the biggest fan of running on leash. Maybe it's the limited path I have to run on, maybe it's mom's snail's pace, who knows, but I prefer to be on my own, maybe even chasing a bird or two ;)

Well Mom has been very nice, slowly working me into the running thing, adding just a little distance at a time. Today we passed two miles for the first time (2.25 miles to be exact, but who's bragging...)!! Because of that pesky time change we usually run in the morning as the sun's coming up or after work when the sun's going down. This isn't an uncommon view for us:

Surely I can't complain too hard about that, can I?

In case you're wondering we are signed up for the Petco Walk, Run, Wag 5K9 on January 15 here in San Diego. Come run with us!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Howl-o-ween, part 2

I was so excited to welcome some of my friends for a Halloween party and good ol' fashioned Monday Night Football! There were plenty more snazzy costumes, led by little 20-month-old Preston who trick-or-treated before hanging out for the night. Doesn't he make a great Yoda?


Rufus thinks he is a big dog

Dolly the Ladybug!
Rufus the Fisherman (hey, get out of my bed!)

Erik the crazy Charger fan, Steven (my dad) the Pirate, and Travis the Stay-at-home-Dad

Natasha the Pushy Girl Scout, Heather (my mom) as Daphne, and Ashley the Hippie
Preston's parents -- Mishell the Lawyer (who is also a lawyer in real life) and Jason the ... Dragon?

I made sure to steal attention even while I was outside
We had a great night with lots of food and plenty of treats. Unfortunately the Chargers didn't have a great night and everyone left with a little less pep in their step after a hard loss in overtime. Bummer! I would say "there's always next week" but Mom says that will make Dad even more mad so I'll just say "thanks for coming over, friends!" Enjoy the rest of your week!