Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ugly Toy

This toy is SO ugly...

But I don't discriminate! I'll tear it apart anyway! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shiba Inu Puppy Cam

Have you had a chance to watch the puppy cam? Kika, a Shiba Inu, gave birth to six puppies on April 14 and the world has been captivated watching their growth. Here they are as young pups:

Now I made a pretty cute pup too but nothing beats SIX puppies playing, eating, and growing together. There are three boys (Chozen, Chame, and Chikara) and three girls (Chisaki, Chiyoko and Charlotte), all with wonderful forever homes waiting for them once they are old enough to leave their mother and their siblings.
Check out the video feed below and try to convince me that we don't all give a collective "awwww" at that adorable little family!


Live streaming video by Ustream

For more information on the pups click here. Thanks to GGPa Bob for the tip!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I make such a good Easter bunny!

Ok Mom I think you have enough pictures...

I'm serious, take this thing off.

Fine, I'll get it myself.

Kayna, can you help me out here?

Yeah, there you go, make yourself useful.

Hope you all enjoyed your day without the embarrasing headgear!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hide and Seek

"No, Mom, I haven't seen Kayna lately. Maybe she is hiding in the other room? Not much to see here, I'm just relaxing in my bed like usual..."

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm so popular!!!

Look what GGPa Bob sent me in an email a few days ago:

We are such a cute pair. How did I get so lucky that so many people love me?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fan Mail

This picture came in an email from Johnny with the text,
"Remember we're still best friends."

Of course we are! How could I ever forget?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Crate training

Look who is warming up to the idea of crate training! Aren't we cute, sleeping side by side?

Passed out hard after plenty of playtime:
 Someday she will be big enough to enjoy a nice fluffy bed like me!

Mom is thankful that Kayna is sleeping in a crate too. Less to worry about leads to much more restful sleep!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to: Transition to New Dog Food

When we first got Kayna at our house she was really gassy and her stomach did not agree with her food. We soon learned that in her last foster house they transitioned her to a new food too quickly and that was why she was so unhappy. Poor thing!

Our (dogs) stomachs can be very sensitive which is why we have to eat the same food every day. We can have bad diarrhea, vomiting and stomachaches if we eat something new or different. I've always had Blue Buffalo brand dog food though I have tried several flavors in the last couple of years. However, the truth is that sometimes we need to change foods such as when we grow from puppies to adults, as a result of a food allergy or if the company stops making our favorite kinds. We've changed my food a couple of times and we've got it down to a science!

This isn't really FOOD perse but you get the idea!
Here is the trick. Make sure that the transition is done slowly, over the course of 10 days or so.
  • For the first three days mix 75 percent of the old food with 25 percent of the new food.
  • Over the next three days mix 50 percent of the old food with 50 percent of the new food.
  • In the next three days mix 25 percent of the old food with 75 percent of the new food.
  • On the tenth day switch to 100 percent of the new food.
Remember that our bellies might still be upset a little bit so cut us some slack. Be sure we drink lots of water and always have access to relieve ourselves in the right place so that we don't upset you if we have to "go" suddenly.

I hope that was helpful...bon appetit!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Runday?

Dear Mom,

I am glad you had a nice run this afternoon. It seemed to energize you and give you strength for the rest of the day. Me on the other hand...

Let's just say even having two extra legs didn't help me today! A nap never felt so good...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Now and Then: Puppyhood

Remember my first day home? It seems like so long ago! One of the first things I did was to attack my dad's face and give him lots of kisses:

Looks like my foster sister Kayna had the same idea...

Don't forget to kiss the ones you love today too! 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Introducing: Kayna!

Mom and Dad have been keeping all kinds of secrets from you, our loyal readers. Shame on them! I would have told you but as you know, I still can't type on my own!

About two weeks ago they put in an application to be foster parents with Pit Bull Rescue San Diego. A very nice lady came and visited our home, asked a bunch of questions about me, and told us we passed! I didn't really know what that meant at the time but when they called on Thursday to offer me a "foster sister" I said yes!

Meet...Kayna! She is about two and a half months old, a pit bull and labrador retriever mix who is a really big sweetheart.

Isn't she cute??? Mom says we will probably only have her for a few weeks since she already has a couple of people wanting to adopt her. I'm not surprised though, she is a pretty good dog. She already knows how to sit and mom promises to teach her some of the cool stuff I know. Here we are sitting like the wonderful pups we are...

We've also been on a few walks together and she does really well. She gets a little tangled up in her leash but that's to be expected since her legs are so short!

Mom guesses that Kayna is probably about 15 pounds so she is considerably smaller than I am and we are still learning how to play together. I can't figure out how to wrestle with her...she's just so small! She also hasn't learned that the humans don't like when you pee inside. Oops! I'm sure she will catch on, it will just take some time.

If you have any questions about how you can adopt Kayna be sure to email me. I'll send you everything you need to know :)